A black-tie gala awards and forum
recognizing excellence and leadership
in central and east europe`s bpo, outsourcing, and shared services sectors in 2013
Award Categories
Cities, Firms, Personnel/staffing, Real
Estate, Professional services
categories Overall Awards
Reserve a Room at Special Rate
We have reserved a limited block of rooms at the Hotel Intercontinental for guests of the CEE Outsourcing and Shared Services Gala. If you would like to book a room, contact the reservations department at +48-22-328-8860 or , using the code: "Outsourcing Awards" (Block Code: BPM). Valid for 5th and 6th February 2014, the special rate is €120+8% VAT tax with breakfast (single or double occupancy).
Copyright 2014
CEE Outsourcing
And Shared Services Awards